LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/19/2025
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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/19/2025

At our February 19th bargaining session, we presented our articles about Promotion and Professional Development. Our lead negotiators highlighted some of the challenges that LACs have faced with the current ambiguity in calculating eligibility for promotion, and our proposed language attempts to address this by clearly defining key terms including time-in-rank. Click through to read all the details.

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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/12/2025
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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/12/2025

At our February 12th bargaining session, we made a first pass of our Medical and Family Leaves article. We heard moving and powerful testimony from one of our members, Amanda Peters, the Student Engagement Librarian at the University Library in Ann Arbor, about her experiences with the current Extended Sick Leave policy as she continues an ongoing battle with cancer. Click through to read all the details.

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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/5/2025
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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/5/2025

At our February 5th bargaining session, we were treated to an informative presentation about Artificial Intelligence by member and Data Visualization Librarian, Justin Joque, after which we presented a brand new article about AI to management. We continued the busy pace of passes this week, with each side presenting 6 articles at the table, and engaged in several substantive exchanges for clarification at the table. Click through to read all the details.

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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 1/29/2025
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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 1/29/2025

At our January 29th bargaining session, we had a busy day including a small group conference on the topic of term appointments, and an impressive number of articles passed (3 by management, 6 by LEO-GLAM). Among these was a brand new article that we have proposed on the topic of Security and Surveillance in GLAM workspaces. Click through to read all the details. 

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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 1/22/2025
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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 1/22/2025

At our January 22nd bargaining session, we spent our second week quite productively turning around TAs, counters, and several additional first passes. We notably had a substantive discussion about our commitment to continuing to limit the overall number of term appointments as part of our counter on Article XI: Appointments and Annual Reviews. Click through to read the details.

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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Kicks Off on January 15, 2025!
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LEO-GLAM Bargaining Kicks Off on January 15, 2025!

Librarians, Archivists and Curators (LACs) will head back to the bargaining table beginning on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 to negotiate our second contract on behalf of the GLAM bargaining unit. While negotiations are taking place via Zoom that day, we invite LEO-GLAM members as well as union siblings, allies and community members to join us for a noon hour kickoff rally on the Ann Arbor Diag, where we’ll be providing hot cocoa and hearing from speakers about our issues.

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Course Cuts and Faculty Layoffs Threaten Student Success and U-M Dearborn’s Future
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Course Cuts and Faculty Layoffs Threaten Student Success and U-M Dearborn’s Future

UM-D faculty and students are facing unprecedented course size increases, course cuts, and section consolidations, resulting in full and partial layoffs of LEO non-tenure track faculty just weeks before the start of the Winter semester. Another round of course cancellations and layoffs is expected in early December. Changes, implemented by the Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL) without warning or faculty input, have bypassed established faculty governance, ignored the Union contract, and hurt students. 

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