We’re stronger together.
We value all of our community allies who come out to stand in solidarity with us as we engage in collective bargaining. Your support is powerful! See below for some of the (many) ways you can be a supportive ally to LEO.

Join our Allies Listserv.
We will send out periodic email updates about bargaining and events (including open bargaining sessions) to keep you in the loop. We encourage you to forward these to others in your student orgs, unions, community/political organizations, and to interested friends and colleagues.
Attend our Ally events.
We hope you will attend our ally events in solidarity and support. These include our bargaining kickoff events, art builds, and open bargaining days. Bring a friend and encourage your community to show up! You can see a summary of events at the bottom of this page, or subscribe to our calendar.
Learn about Allyship.
This printable trifold brochure is a great (and short) introduction to LEO and how to be our ally. Feel free to share the brochure with others to help us spread the message about solidarity and grow our community of allies.
Learn more about our issues.
Have a look at our platform to learn more about what Librarians, Archivists, and Curators in LEO-GLAM are fighting for at the bargaining table.
Read our bargaining updates.
During bargaining, we post blog updates about what’s going on at the bargaining table. These (typically weekly) posts will give you insight into both what happened in the prior week, and what we might expect to see going forward.
Follow and share.
Follow our posts on social media, and like and share to signal boost. Engagement from our community of allies helps us to build power. You can also look for news media coverage and share those stories, too.
Looking for more info about the LEO Union? We’ve got you covered.
This great page from the AFL-CIO explains what unions do (and what they don’t do), and how they work.