LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/19/2025

At our February 19th bargaining session, we presented our articles about Promotion and Professional Development. Our lead negotiators highlighted some of the challenges that LACs have faced with the current ambiguity in calculating eligibility for promotion, and our proposed language attempts to address this by clearly defining key terms including time-in-rank. We are also attempting to shorten the minimum period of time that LACs must wait to become eligible for promotion, and ensuring that there are equitable policies for determining eligibility across all units rather than relying on exceptions. 

Highlights of the bargaining session included: 

  • Reached two Tentative Agreements on Articles II: Prohibition against Harassment and Discrimination and XXI: Workload. This brings our TA count to 11.

  • Made substantive progress bringing us close together with management on Articles XXXIII: Work Schedules, Modes and Locations and XVII: Workspaces, Health and Safety. 

We’ll be holding a General Membership Meeting for all LEO-GLAM members via Zoom next Tuesday, February 25th at noon, so please register for the link and come hear updates about Bargaining and what comes next! We also invite LEO-GLAM members to attend to hear our first pass of the Salary article next Wednesday, February 26th; register for bargaining at bit.ly/GLAMbargaining25.


Member Spotlight: Sierra Laddusaw


LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/12/2025