LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/12/2025

At our February 12th bargaining session, we made a first pass of our Medical and Family Leaves article. We heard moving and powerful testimony from one of our members, Amanda Peters, the Student Engagement Librarian at the University Library in Ann Arbor, about her experiences with the current Extended Sick Leave policy as she continues an ongoing battle with cancer. We want to thank Amanda for sharing the impact that the contract has had on her personally during this difficult time, and for shining a light on why we care about restoring the more robust ESL bank for LACs (like Amanda) who have served ten or more years. We also proposed that LACs experiencing pregnancy loss be eligible for bereavement leave. Often, the reasons behind these types of leaves are difficult and highly personal, and we care deeply that our members have the time they need to receive care, to grieve, to rest, and to recover before returning to work. 

Highlights of the bargaining session included: 

  • Reached a Tentative Agreement on Article XXVIII: Academic Rights and Responsibilities. This brings our TA count to 9.

  • Substantive conversations at the table about Articles XVII: Workspaces, Health and Safety and XXXIII: Work Schedules, Modes, and Locations

If you’ve been following along on our Article Tracker, you’ll notice that we have already made first passes of many articles and MOUs, with the exception of several “economic” ones. We will be turning a corner in the coming weeks as we begin to pass these articles that directly involve dollars and cents, including Professional Development. We invite LEO-GLAM members to attend to hear all of the details next Wednesday, February 19th; register for bargaining at bit.ly/GLAMbargaining25.


LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/19/2025


LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap for 2/5/2025