5/13/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap

Our May 13th session centered around powerful member testimony about salary from two of our members, Terese Murphy (Librarian, Clements) and Zia Davidian (Librarian, Flint). We are grateful to both of them for bravely and honestly sharing the impacts of low and inequitable salaries and illustrating how important this issue is for our bargaining unit.

We continue to show movement on our salary article while adhering to our principle of equity, and have converted our equity table into narrative prose to achieve this goal. We were glad to have reached a TA on package 4 (Management Rights; Union Rights; Scope of Agreement), which means that there are just 5 outstanding articles left on the table.

While the number of articles left on the table is small, the topics they address are the things you told us were most important to you—salary, promotion, more humane treatment of LACs on term appointments, and support for professional development. Your presence every Friday at the bargaining table demonstrates to administration that we are committed to fighting for more than the status quo. 

Highlights of the bargaining session: 

  • We reached a TA on Package 4 (Management Rights; Union Rights; Scope of Agreement) bringing our total TA count to 34! 

  • LEO-GLAM shared counters on Salary; Recognition; Package 4 (Management Rights; Union Rights; Scope of Agreement), and Package 8 (Appointments; Promotion)

And a shout out to our comrades on the Organizing Committee who used their lunch break to kick off a contract campaign focused letter writing initiative. We look forward to seeing you at Bargaining again next Friday!


5/20/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap


5/6/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap