7/1/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap

Professional development was the focus of our session on July 1. We did not reach a TA; however we achieved important wins. Administration accepted our language that professional development funds can be used to pay for memberships. Administration also agreed to our proposed definitions for discretionary and programmatic professional development. Securing both coverage of professional memberships and differentiation between discretionary and programmatic funding are significant gains. We believe we have reached a shared understanding on the distribution of funds, but have yet to agree on minimum dollar amounts.

As we approach the final stages of negotiation, it’s likely we will have additional mid-week sessions at the table. We’ll update bargaining dates and times in the Slack as soon as they are finalized, but continue to plan on spending Fridays with us at the table and in caucus.

We hope you’ve had a nice Canada Day and/or Independence Day weekend, and look forward to seeing you at Bargaining this week!


7/8/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap


6/24/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap