6/15/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap

On Wednesday afternoon we received upsetting counters from administration on both Salary and Professional Development. Regarding salary, administration made very little movement beyond the status quo. Administration also relied on a familiar line of reasoning that they can’t afford to adequately compensate the 7 LACs in Flint because they have smaller enrollments and budgets in an attempt to divide our union. We are committed to raising the floor for all LACs. On professional development, administration introduced a “shared fund” model which pits members against one another rather than guaranteeing a particular level of support.

Your continued presence at the bargaining table speaks volumes; We look forward to seeing you at Bargaining again on Friday!


6/17/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap


6/10/22 LEO-GLAM Bargaining Recap