Results of our LEO-GLAM platform and bargaining team election

Thank you to our LEO-GLAM members for taking the time to vote on the bargaining platform and elect a slate of representatives to the Bargaining Team! With thanks to our Election Committee members, the votes have been tallied, and the results are as follows:

  • The Bargaining Team was accepted by an overwhelming majority of 96% (67 yes, 1 no, 2 abstentions).

  • The Bargaining Platform was accepted with 94% of voters approving (66 yes, 2 no, 2 abstentions). 

Last week, lecturers amended the LEO Constitution by majority vote to include LEO-GLAM as a fourth “campus” in the union’s organizational structure. With this change, a GLAM campus chair will represent LACs in the LEO Union Council, which is the governing body of our union. As a reminder, these changes to the LEO Constitution were developed with input from GLAM members. Now that we have a place in the overall LEO structure, we need to set up our internal LEO-GLAM governance. Members who are interested in being on the bylaws drafting committee, please send us an email!


Our first LEO-GLAM bargaining session recap!


Bargaining Wins: 2021/2022 Lecturer Salary Flow Charts