Lecturer Bargaining Update: Recap for 1/29/2021

The day started off with small groups between Bargaining Team and Management representatives. The first small group discussed the Benefits proposal and issues where sick leave has not been sufficient. The second group had a very preliminary discussion on the Bridge for long-serving Lec I/IIs who should be qualified for Lec III/IV positions. The afternoon included two small groups on Job Security and Leapfrogging. Through the process, management came to understand the hows and the whys of the proposal.

In the main session, Jill Darling presented an appendix with the expected uses of the expanded professional development fund we are requesting. And we received questions on our proposals including, questions on MOU 7 (Workload standards), Job Security, and a few condescending questions on Professional Development. 

The workload committee is looking for more testimonials from Lecturers I/II who would benefit from a stronger “bridge” to Lec III/IV. Fill out this form to let them know your experience doing service (especially if you have been denied a special conference on promotion to III/IV). Please email responses to these questions to jill.darling@gmail.com.  

Management gave us their first proposal. They are requesting that lecturers disclose felony charges (as opposed to convictions) in accordance with SPG 601.38, introduced in 2019 for everyone except bargained-for employees. LEO members in attendance received it poorly, to put it mildly. We raised a number of objections at the table, including the racially disproportionate impact of the criminal justice system. We now have a working group that will work on addressing the proposal. Contact Nora Krinisky at norakrinitsky@gmail.com to get involved. 

“Lunch with LEO” was hosted by the Communications Committee(Comms) this week and included the introduction of our new Bargaining videographer Peter Brauer. Peter is hoping to capture lecturer stories that show their day-to-day experience and why this contract fight is important to them, amongst other projects. You can contact communications@leounion.org if you are willing to be interviewed. Comms is also soliciting any photos or short video clips of your working conditions, either on campus or at home. Please email us to help us make your labor visible!

There will be a Lunch with LEO: Community Town Hall, February 19, 12 noon to 1:00pm. You can come to learn about how the LEO contract proposals support investment in the UM campuses. Speakers include LEO, tenure-track faculty, and students.

You can RSVP for upcoming LEO bargaining sessions at bit.ly/LEOREGISTER. You only need to register to attend bargaining once at bit.ly/LEOBargaining. We’ll be back and forth between the Bargaining Zoom and Caucus so bookmark the LEO Caucus Zoom at bit.ly/LEOCaucus. Check out the “Bargaining Day” tab on the LEO Bargaining website for Zoom backgrounds, a link to join the LEO Bargaining Slack workspace (for conversations & questions during bargaining), and other ways to help show support and build power. Finally, fill out this form to get involved and help win a strong contract!

Black pen sketch of Eric Beuerlein adjusting his glasses; Fanart by AndyT.

Drawing of LEO Bargaining Team member Eric Beuerlein (Lecturer RLL Ann Arbor Campus). Fan art by AndyT (Lecturer, Stamps School of Art & Design Ann Arbor Campus). 


Lecturer Bargaining Update: Bargaining Recap for 2/5/2021


Lecturer Bargaining Update: Recap for 1/22/2021